√ 6-volt or 12-volt battery
√ 0.25J-12J
√ 2.5-120 KM
√ Weather-resistant case
√ 6-volt or 12-volt battery
√ 0.25J-12J
√ 2.5-120 KM
√ Weather-resistant case
√ Dual Power Source
√ Flexible power supply
√ Extremely adaptable
Can either be plugged directly int 110V-240V AC outlet or connected to a 12V DC battery
√ Permanent Fencing
√ Large Areas
√ Stable Power Source
√ Least cost to purchase and operate per joule of output
√ 0.25 to 1.0 joules
√ Eco-Friendly and Renewable
√ Ideal for Remote Locations
√ solar energizers are sized to provide reserve energy for a minimum of 3 sunless days
√ 1-3 generation console iterations
√ Functional updates
√ Adapt to multiple power modes
√ Measurement and aging test video
√ Drop box test video,
√ Data detection
√ Quality assurance
√ High-voltage package
√ Mainboard
√ Alligator clip
√ Connecting wire
√Customized height and length
√ Green and black netting color
√ A simple way to keep your chickens in one area of the garden
√ Waterproof shell
√ External button & LCD screen
√ With 4 types of light sensor & timer working mode
√ Customized language
√ 3.6L drinker and 3.6L feeder
√ Waterproof design
√ With lock-on lid
√ UV treated to last in tought,outdoor conditions
√ Easy to assemble and mount
√ 20L drinker and 20L feeder
√ Waterproof design
√ UV treated to last in tought,outdoor conditions
√ Suitable for most feeds including pellets and mash
√ First Use Installation
√ Light Sensor Setting
√ Open Height Setting
√ Poultry Netting
√ Electrified poultry netting
√ DNon electrified poultry netting
√ Protect pets in the yard
Fire resistance,the ideal for high fire risk areas.Suitable for long strains of permanent fence.
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